We are excited to announce that the #Boardroom will be featured this week for all CEO.CA users. The #Boardroom is a unique chat page dedicated to investment discussion relating to any sector. Rather than a general discussion page like our #Index, #Boardroom is a place for users to debate opportunities and share advice on the risks worth taking. All posts must fit the guidelines below. 

Welcome to the Boardroom. We look forward to your feedback!


#Boardroom Rules:

Stay on topic. Almost any post related to the stock market and investing is welcome on /Boardroom including corporate news (private/public), futures & forex related to stocks, and geopolitical or corporate events highlighting market risks. Anything outside this is off-topic and will be removed.

Context and effort. Context and effort must be provided in your posts; low effort posts such as “I like gold” or empty posts with links will be removed. If you are linking to an external site (YouTube, Reddit, blog etc.), briefly summarize the content in the body of the post.

Limit casual banter. Posts should provide value, reference active discussions and tie directly into the above topics. /Boardroom is not a place for overt personal commentary. Meme and chat freely in #Index.

No trolling, insulting, or harassing. Treat each other with respect or you will get banned from /Boardroom and may receive a sitewide ban from CEO.CA Moderators. Trolling, insults, or harassments of any kind will be removed.

No spam or self-promotion. Spam, ads and self-promotion posts or comments will be removed.

"The Closing" - Jimmy Dyer, a copy of which has been hung on my dads office walls for what seems like 20 years.  Something that motivated me to try and get in the "Boardroom" one day. Well, we created a page called Boardroom, so close enough!